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The Story Behind Our Theater Group

Liberty Theater Workshop is the theater program at Olentangy Liberty High School in Powell, Ohio. We produce at least three shows every school year of different genres. The program relies heavily on the hard work of students, including set construction, costume design, lighting and sound operation, and so much more. No matter who you are, there is probably a job here for you. Any OLHS student is welcome to come join our family at any time! However, you may still be able to get involved if you are not. We do occasionally seek out younger actors (typically 12 or under) for our productions. Keep an eye out for information between productions! 

We are also proud to be a participant in the CAPA Marquee Awards, a program showcasing high school theater programs across central Ohio. In the past two years of participating, Liberty Theater Workshop has been nominated for nine CAPA Marquee Awards and honored to win three.

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